Thursday, March 24, 2011

Global Security Agree Afghan Economy Key

MU: More and more analysts and experts are recognising that it is the Afghan economy that is key to success in the country. Below is an extract from Global's recent article. You can read the full article by Ed Corcoran here.

Tipping Afghanistan in a positive direction requires a significant deemphasis of military operations and a significant reemphasis on economic development in areas where NATO forces are welcomed. It is the blossoming of such areas that will undermine any residual Taliban claim to legitimacy. NATO efforts need to focus not on victory, but on growth, building prosperity in Afghanistan province by province. There needs to be a shift not only in operations, but in reporting and publicity, a new focus on spreading the word of development and of the South Korean parallel, on getting individual Afghans enthused about their own economic potential, demonstrating that NATO forces are actively supporting Afghan development in accordance with their own priorities.

A burgeoning Afghan economy can sweep the Taliban aside in a wave of modernization, spreading prosperity with a new sense of possibilities. Countries and companies which establish an early presence will be in a position to benefit the most from this economic expansion. An active Afghan development program could demonstrate the positive impact of grass roots empowerment and become a model not only for the Muslim World, but for the entire spectrum of developing nations – the core strategic challenge for the XXI Century.

Monday, March 7, 2011

International Women's Day in Kabul

We had the great privilege of taking some pictures of the Women for Women International's organised Meet Me on the Bridge event for International Women's Day in Kabul.

What an extraordinary group of women. Please support them in events around the world tomorrow (8th March)

Visit for more information about your local event.